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The first time I was told about the
Saunders cemetery was in August of 2016.
A cousin, Jerry Irby from Ohio
mentioned the cemetery in an email.
His grandparents, which are my great
grandparents are buried here. My grandfather
Ashford T. Irby, the son of Braxton
Brag Irby (B B Irby) and Martha Washington
Irby passed on when I was only a year
old. My grandmother Irby never mentioned
anything about
this cemetery. Jerry said as a young
boy when him and his parents would make
the trip from Ohio and visit Grandma
Irby they would go to Sauders cemetery.
Cousin Jerry was a little confused to
where the cemetery was. At first
he said it was between Chatham and Gretna
and then later said it could be between
Chatham and Altavista.
Recent correspondence with Jerry Irby in
Ohio has given me another bit of information.
The final resting place for William Ashford Saunders
and Winifred "Winnie" Keesee Saunders
is the Saunders Cemetery, Martha
Irby's parents. They are Jerry Irby's great
grandparents, which makes them
my great great gandparents.
A friend and myself made a trip the
the office of the county records but
hit a dead end searching through the
records. I also thought I had found
the cemetery through searching the internet
and went to several family cemeteries
only to be dissapointed. A neighbor
which was a retired librarian was
able to locate the cemetry through his
searches on the net.
To my surprise the cemetery had been
well taken care of. It was in a a cow
pasture and fenced in. When I paid my
first visit to the cemetery I was able
to meet up with the land owner. He told
me who was taking care of the cemetery
and I was able to talk to him. Martha's
headstone had settled over the
years and had fell off the base. I talked
a friend, Bruce Gibson into helping me dig up the
base, dig deeper and put down a good
rock dust base, clean and reset the
base and headstone.
. Click on a button below for more details.
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